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Selfies/ Hibatalla shahin/ 200711055

-These days, everyone is a photographer. It is easier than ever to whip out a smartphone from a purse or pocket to snap a picture of whatever a person wants to document. Whether it is close up or from a distance, a photo can quickly capture and preserve a moment in time, for better or worse. It is generally permissible for people to take photographs at any public place or any private place that they own or rent. Being present on someone else's private property generally requires the property owner's consent to take photos. It’s well known that images click on social media. And they’re also what we click on. In general, posts with visuals get more views, likes, and shares than posts that don’t. But sourcing images for social media isn’t always straightforward. There’s a lot at stake, too. Breaches of copyright can land your business in court with hefty fines, and I didn’t know better won’t fly as a valid defence. Especially if an image is used for social media marketing.

-The images and selfies can give a lot more information than text can. For example, a company may pay the consumer to post a share their images during their meal (lunch/ dinner) time on the dining table along with their friends and family members. Analysis of these images can reveal extraordinary information such as the demography of the family members and close friends, the associated brands used in crockery, furniture, food products and so on, the type of meal preferences, the size of the room and the table, the way people use a food product in heir meal (i.e. the form and the cooking style etc.).

All this information can be very useful in generating insights which can create additional value for the firm and for the consumers as well.

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