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Meme Culture Yağız Sırma 190530090

Internet memes are generally what is called anonymously turning an image, video, or word into a stream. It is the personal anonymous communities that ensure the spread of this trend. These communities start a trend on social media, announcing what we call this "meme" and making it known to everyone. If we look at this aspect of the business, brands or large media companies ensure that their branded currents keep up in the media to generate commercial income through popular trends, namely "memes". For example, we all know the trend of 3 spidermen showing himself with his index finger, which is one of the biggest memes on social media. We observe that this trend is popular in the media and that the same joke was inspired by the last spiderman. Here I tried to mention how great the power of the media is. We have seen how the meme culture is reflected even within the film industry.

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