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#selfie: the word of the 2013- Busenur Ersöz-200527138

A “selfie” is a self-portrait photograph taken “within an arm’s length of the subject” by an amateurish photographer to be shared in social media websites. The autobiographical nature of the selfie gives us access to reconfiguring our social image by enabling us to control why, when, and how we are photographed. It has been a part of people’s daily routine and to take a selfie is completely necessary for most social media users. Every second there is a selfie that is updated with a unique caption and tons of hash tags that are not really related to the whole picture.Right now, there are more than 80 million photos in Instagram that falls under #selfie. Selfie has become a big hit and not surprisingly, it has been added to the Oxford Dictionaries and it was even their word of the 2013.

Selfie is popular especially among teenagers. Since celebrities and other TV personalities have social media accounts, other teenagers tend to see how they strike a pose and get million likes. Teenagers would probably be interested in taking selfies too because they’re idols are doing it. But for some, it is their way of expressing their self and to test how they really look. Selfie is sometimes meant to attract other users to follow you or add you as a friend.

People's social life and perceptions of things have changed dramatically as the selfie has gone viral. People spend the majority of their time photographing themselves, deciding on the best stance, filters to employ, and captions to use. They do this sometimes not for themselves, but for the people who will be looking at the snapshot. It may appear easy, yet not everyone can realize how it affects people's lives. When kids see likes and good feedback from their online friends and following, their self-esteem grows. The impact on values and social ethics is profound. In some case, people go beyond their limit and do things that are improper to get the attention of other users. There are some the positive and negative impacts of selfie in our society, economy and to everyone’s life. In our present time, when everything is modern and innovated, how a person takes a selfie really matters.

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