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Salwa Birdy

An Algorithm is a procedure for solving a problem. However,

Algorithms are broadly used in all the areas of information

technology. They have been used for decades, it has always

existed in our lives for accomplishing tasks. Moreover, we apply

algorithm in both cultural and social environment. For example,

every social media site has their own algorithm. Although each

one differs slightly, but they all have the same objective which

is to keep people scrolling for longer. They do this by showing

you more of what they think you may like and enjoy. However,

there are so many unexpected ways algorithm controls our life,

for example getting into college, our grades, work schedule etc.

However, algorithms are prone to bias. For example,

discrimination and manipulation, gender bias. We can say that

algorithms in today’s generation shape human behavior and

help make decisions in nearly every part of our personal and

social life. Algorithm bias is difficult to describe. It’s often

recognized as repeatable error in computational system.

Therefore, bias is something that we should get rid of.

However, we can look at algorithm bias differently. It is not

necessarily an error, it is a quality, an inescapable aspect of


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