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MEENA YOUSIF IZZIDDEEN Algorithm & Computerized Culture

Algorithms are commonly seen in the realm of computer programming. Algorithms, on the other hand, are ubiquitous. Algorithms influence what Google search results you see or what shared things appear in your Facebook page. An algorithm is a recipe for creating food. An algorithm is the approach you use to solve addition or long division problems. An algorithm is used to fold a shirt or a pair of pants. Even your daily routine might be thought of as an algorithm.

for example :

Recognition of Faces

We see someone we know every day: a loved one, a coworker, or perhaps an odd neighbor. When we recognize someone's face, we use data about the size and location of that person's facial characteristics that we've previously acquired. This data is then examined internally in order to recognize others automatically.

A real-world algorithm is facial recognition, which may be achieved both through individuals we know and through technology.

Algorithms can help computers automate this process; nonetheless, facial recognition is not flawless. Joy Buolamwini, an activist and computer scientist working at MIT, describes how algorithms used for facial recognition work in the Netflix series "Coded Bias."

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