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Internet Trolls - Beydullah Kar (190530055)

Trolls on the internet may now be found on practically every platform. Sometimes it's on Twitter, other times it's on YouTube videos, and so on. They can be found in a variety of areas. Trolls are well-known in politics, particularly in our own country.

However, since the covid-19 pandemic, we've seen an increase in the number of internet trolls. False information is spread throughout epidemic periods in practically every century, for example, during the plague, but with covid-19, this false information is being spread by online trolls this time, and it is spreading much quicker.

Many incorrect theories concerning vaccinations and covid have been developed throughout this pandemic period. One piece of misinformation spread by internet trolls is that China is to blame for the outbreak. In this approach, they want to incite people against Asians and instigate fresh conflicts. One of the actions of trolls, as we shall see from this case and as we discussed in the class, is to cause conflict amongst communities. This is also something we see in our country from political trolls.

Furthermore, internet trolls are also disseminating incorrect information about vaccines that is frightening and will discourage people from being vaccinated. They intend to hurt people and the public health in this way.

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