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Hacking to overpower (Nour Zomlot) 200711054

Updated: Jan 14, 2022

Data breaching has always been a tool to prevail over an opposing party. Before hacking, people espied their foes to gain knowledge about their situation and upcoming movements so that they can always be a step ahead of them. Sun Tzu, the father of China's espionage system, is the first to put rules for spying, in his book The Art of War, in 510 B.C. (Faruk, 2014). yet, the first attempt to break through a digital apparatus was marked in the middle of the 20th century during the second world war. Thomas D (2003), claims that the Enigma, a German machine, was the first to encode messages. It was used during WWII to convey military orders between members of the Nazi armed forces. Turing is the machine that broke Enigma's code, which helped the Allies spy on Nazis, it is also known to be the first computer invented. It is no stretch of the imagination to assert that the pioneer computer scientists -including the father of modern computer science, Alan Turing- who deciphered Enigma's coding system are also, basically, the earliest computer hackers, in addition, the origination of computers is due to the necessity of keeping, and probably more essentially, breaching secrets (Thomas D, 2003).


Nabil Faruk (2014) The art of spying, P. 7.

Thomas D (2003) Hacker culture P. 12.

Thomas D (2003) Hacker culture P. 13.

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