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Games - Perception of Reality (Ahmetcan Yanlıç)

Nowadays meta-verse is a popular concept which everybody has an idea about it. Although, this much of a big-scale digitalization is new, the concept’s itself is not something unfamiliar for anyone who played few games in his life. Escapism from reality is an unstoppable leaning in modern world and games are the far most popular and most effective way of it. Humanity seems to be unpleasant of current situation of himself. It may be the most productive age with most freedoms and most rights to be individual but not everyone can fit in society. Or should I say no-one can fit in society without sacrifices from his character. In other terms it is a basic rule of evolution, adapt or die.

Thankfully, in current era the ones who are unable to adapt don’t have to choose death because they can choose escape. Games allow them to forget who they are and ask them who you want to be. Some cases that digital personality that created without any base surpass the real one and so does digital life of that person.

Game industry became something like wonderland for all the Alices who seeking for a rabbit hole to escape. A world that all choices are effortless and without consequences. A world that no one judges them for their past, look or decisions. To be more accurate no one knows anything about them. This new existence trapped millions of people with that charm and make them cut the ties with reality to be more active in unreal world of digital games.

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