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Digital Archive\ Mustafa Issa ID No:200711062

As internet users, we browse, search, post, and share different content and information every day using digital archives, where you could find an infinite number of databases which is storing and safekeeping a limitless number of information on the world wide web.

One of the infamous digital archives that are internet-based is social media platforms, social media has become one of the main platforms for posting and sharing different content in the 21st century, but it's also considered as an example of cultural archives for storing and saving information.

users on social media can reuse this information and publish it for various purposes on their accounts, for an instant, Facebook and Instagram users have the feature to create their own original content and it would be saved on the internet such as pictures videos podcasts as an individualized archive and could be reused. Moreover, social media can be an archive for the big companies and institutions such as WHO or (World Health Organization) keeps records about conid-19 and very detailed information like the number of infected people, number of vaccinated people, etc.), also posting regulations and symptoms of covid-19 as reference for users to take precautions and it's all saved as a record so it would be available for people to reuse it whenever they want.

the digital archive has raised alongside with internet a nessacrrey placement for the traditional archive for keeping information away from being sabotaged or lost.

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