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algorithms spread over society, by Tala Lezzeik

algorithms are extremely invisible in today's world, and society is aware of how it's growing into influencing our thoughts to the future. it is known that an algorithm cannot end suddenly, it's used every day especially in computers. society must understand the use of algorithms and how it's affecting us throughout the day, people should manage and control the use of it, an algorithm is designed to generate both positives and negatives, the good side of it is when raising awareness especially in social media by informing people about news, that must be spreading to help others, or when people are viewing healthy food examples, diet, and diabetes, the bad side of the algorithm is when it controls what you see on your feeds every day, and how it decides what you should and shouldn't view, it can show you things you are interested in based on your everyday prefrencess and cookies, meaning that uses your personal data. people must control what and how they share things with the society and not the algorithm.

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