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Algorithms Lacking Towards The Human Condition - Taha El Taha (200522118)

A Variable when defined, gives data to the computer for processing purposes. Every data has a value and every value has a data type, and that datatype could include a string ( an order of characters) a number, a Boolean(data to be used to state whether something is true or false), and more.

The Algorithms, when told what to do, seem to do the job correctly, but that's just based on mathematics and data sciences not related to predictions. When it comes to predictions in the Cyberworld, tech-savvy fans seem to be very optimistic about such. Dystopian or not, Computers are built by humans, they don't act as an external factor from nature. Humanity is known to have a terrible history and is known to make fatal mistakes, so distributing predictive and analytical machine learning technology to almost everyone could be a recipe for an impending disaster.

To argue about the fact that algorithms are biased, as I said we shouldn't treat it like an external force from nature, but a grave coding and programming mistake that needs to be addressed before implementing such into our systems. Plus it is the reflection of our own unconscious biases too. ALGORITHMS DO NOT HAVE FEELINGS AND ARE NOT CONSCIOUS AND AWARE. Even if it is known to store and archive big data, The creators and coders behind it are the ones who should be held accountable.

With the rise of the WEB2.0 and reaching WEB3.0, anyone can be anonymous and code whatever they please, so corporations or political parties are not too far from doing such when enforcing their biased interests and/or social-cultural pushes to the public.

The weaponization of machine learning could have a detrimental fate on humanity, especially towards psychological and social factors. The spread of misinformation, manipulative influences, and more are some of the examples that lead to deadly consequences. Programming and machine learning needs to be implemented in a diversified manner, by that I mean the creators of such should be inclusive, consisting of a bigger team ranging from different backgrounds and cultures, to prevent conformational bias and stray away from certain interests that go against groups of people, especially that we are living in post cosmopolitanism ( I still don't personally believe so yet) and are taking advantage of all the factors that come with it. So then distributing such technologies would be appropriate, with legislations being put in place first before most.

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